As promised (months ago), I come bearing knitting field trip pictures!
The first shop we came across on Queen Street West. Americo was snooty. No pictures allowed inside and the sales people were all over us to buy something. Very small shops kind of have that feel, they make me uncomfortable. The yarns were gorgeous and expensive, I could never afford to make myself a sweater that doesn't exactly fit out of these yarns.
Working hard at work, both of them. The 60 hours a week is painful and I hate it, I literally have no time for myself. After the first month or so when I realized working this much was stupid, I got stuck doing it because the bux lost too many full-time supervisors/managers to let me get by with less than 30 hours. I'm foolishly dedicated to the store and I put up with the extra hours to help things go along smoothly. The next two weeks of schedule have me down for 24 hours each week, totally do-able. That is my ideal week right there, which is sad because it still leaves me working more than 50 hours each week. Soon my pretties, soon I will be a student once more with that classic of all cop-out excuses "Sorry I can't work more, I'm a student you know". I'll still work 30ish hours with classes to pay for my lux lifestyle, but I can handle it with such light course load.
Other work is going well enough. I work my 3 or 4 days with the bux and fit time in around that to get 30 hours in for co-op. Sometimes the days I pick to work don't have a lot of work to do and I feel like I'm wasting my time there, but really and truly there's always something to do. Coming up to a lot of big weddings and double-booked weekends. I booked off 4 days next week for the overload of work I'm expecting over a weekend.
Also, since my last post, I have completed another project! Behold!
In S&B news, my crew and I have started an ongoing team blanket project for a co-worker. We're each doing 12 8"x8" squares of our pattern choice, in earth tones and natural colours. I have completed one square so far. It's going to be what we've dubbed a "family blanket" for a new baby. Neither of our co-worker's sons received any hand made knits for being born, so we decided it was our duty as knitters to provide something.
Until we meet again,