Happy New Year my dear readers! The holidays are over, and I’ve changed my desktop pictures from festive holiday reminders to sweet sweet Avatar backgrounds. I loved that movie. It was a great combination of two movies I already loved – Pocahontas and FernGully.
I want to own this movie, and so I wanted to be reminded of its awesome every time I opened my laptop.
In knitting news, Catherine, Anonymous and I are joining forces in a knit along! We are going to start work on a triangular shawl called
Bitterroot, which can be knitted as a great big giant shawl, or a smaller shawlette. I am opting for the smaller one, as this is my first shawl experience. I bought yarn yesterday from
Yarn Indulgences at the Kitchener Market:
This is the same variety of yarn that Catherine chose. I was aiming for an orange/rust colour, but given my choices, I decided on this lovely red. I think it will be quite fetching with red beads along the edge. I think I’ll fiddle around with the gauge later tonight, so I can start with Catherine tomorrow at Knit and Chat.
At the same time, I am working away on a baby sweater for Tam Tam’s future kids. I bought the yarn in the summer from Shall We Knit, and it’s been sitting in my yarn basket for too long. I love making little things, and a whole sweater for a mini person is such a satisfying project, even if (hopefully) Tam Tam having kids is a far off thing.
My progress so far:
The back and sides are knitted together at the same time for a cute cardigan-style hoodie. Sleeves and hood to be knitted separately and sewn on later.
I also made and finished a pair of thrummed mittens without much fuss or showing off…until now!
Bam! Look at those fluffy things. They keep my hands nice and warm, although driving with them on is a little tricky. The outside of them gets nice and fluffy too, and the thrums catch on things sometimes and a little tuft gets pulled out. I think it’s still in the settling down stage, where the innards are matting themselves together and the outters are doing the same.
Starting back to work tomorrow after a nice long weekend. We’ve got mega planning and organizing to do this month before we move the business to a building. Our move-in date is February 1, and we plan to open the doors at the new store on February 8. We’ll still do all our regular stuff (corporate breakfast and lunch drop-off, weddings, private parties, etc) but we’re also adding a daily breakfast and lunch to-go only business in the lovely storefront. My next few weeks will be spent costing, writing standard production sheets, and planning everything to do with the storefront. I leave for Disneyworld on January 22, so I need to put in my share of work before then.
Happy knitting readers, see ya next time