The first sleeve in progress
One more sleeve and a hood and it’s all done. I think this may be the simple project I take with me on my trip to Disneyworld at the end of this month. I’m concerned about knitting needle rules for airplanes, but I might just put it in my checked luggage and work on a bit at night in my hotel room. International knitting, here I come.
AT THE SAME TIME (and this is big for me):
My first shawl attempt. Catherine and I were supposed to start at Monday night knitting, but that has been delayed for a whole, so I started very carefully on my own, and I think I’m doing just fine. It’s not really one of this mindless projects I can do in front of the TV, so it might be slow going. Trying to find a nice place to live. That’s right team, this soon-to-be 23 year old is moving out of the house, in to her very own space with her dear and darling fuzzyhead. We’ve seen one townhouse so far, and right now we’re looking at other options, even though we liked that first house. We’re very high maintenance renters from what I can see – we need two bedrooms, laundry hook-up available, and oh yes, pets allowed. And not just ‘pets’ as in a cat, I’m talking about a medium to large sized dog. This severely limits most searching, as any place we choose must be pet friendly, AND have suitable space for dog (like a patch of grass for pooping on). We’ve got lots of time still, we’re looking for something that will be available on April 1. There are a few more potential places on my list, I’m waiting to hear back about the pets allowed part.
That’s all I got for now lovies,