I've been inspired today. I sat in on a webinar this afternoon about wedding blogs and how to make them work for you (this is for the catering side of my life where I want desperately to appeal to all brides with moderate budgets), and it got me itching to do some bloggin'. I also spent my afternoon bookmarking national wedding blogs for future creeping/research about weddings. Appalling/outrageous fact: brides do most of their online research Monday-Wednesday from 9-5. What are your employers paying you to do?!
In the spirit of bookmarks, I wanted to share a short list of the websites you'll find on my bookmark list. These are all sites that I cruise over about once a week, sometimes more.
ravelry.com - duh, come on readers, of course this is on the list
bitchmagazine.org - as a supplement to my quarterly Bitch magazine which I love
yarnharlot.ca/blog - kind of a requirement for being a knitter, it's in the handbook
sandiwiseheart.wordpress.com - I saw Sandi at my very first Knitters' Guild meeting and I loved her
feministsforchoice.com - I found this little gem through a link from Bitch's site
goaskalice.columbia.edu - updated every Friday, I've been reading this since I was 13
apartmenttherapy.com - Fuzzyhead stumbled on this one in an effort to find design ideas for smaller spaces
postsecret.blogspot.com - I read this every Sunday, no exceptions
starbucksgossip.typepad.com - now that I'm no longer with the bux, this one keeps me up to date with the latest behind the scenes happenings
Just today I added 5 or 6 wedding blogs to the list, so we'll see how they stack up next to my usual reading list. My website list + standard Facebook time takes me about 45 minutes of computer time total each day, unless it's a heavy Ravelry day. I don't understand how anyone can spend more time than this on a computer.
In knitting, this little baby is my new Everest:
My gauge swatch (what a good knitter I am!) for the star chart. I was really curious to see how the yarn and pattern would look on the needle size I chose. Before blocking, this swatch looked like a little loopy scrumple of fabric. Blocking is magical.
Fuzzyhead's teatime socks, shamelessly "borrowed" from a Ravelry pattern I did not purchase; I counted stitches in the most close-up picture I could find and made up the rest. They're turning out a little big, so I might be ripping these back to start again, but Everest has totally taken over my knitting time right now.
Today is Taco Tuesday dear readers and the frying pan is calling my name. Happy mid-March to you all!
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