Our day began at the crack of dawn in Georgetown to meet our bus group for the first time. We met at a coffee shop to sign in, fork over some cash, and get a hot beverage.
Breakfast of champions, plus gift bags for the housekeeping staff at the hotel. I did not include the picture of Catherine at this early hour, where she was secretly hating me but putting on a good face.
Before we even got to the border, Catherine discovered a the perfect hole in the seat in front of her for storing a pen.
Our bus ride on the way there was about 10 hours, but really only about 7 of actual driving time. We were tuckered out on Friday night, and after getting super scammed by the local taxi services for a ride to the mall and back, we hit the hay to rest up for a full day of fun. This is the site that greeted us on Saturday morning, look at all those knitters!
The very official sign that tells you I was actually there.
I took SOOOO many pictures of sheep. All the animals were lined up in pens, and I had no idea there were so many different kinds of sheep.
This one might be my favourite.
Don't forget about llamas! The llamas and alpacas were regularly paraded around the fair grounds for touching and photo ops.
This little monster was at the Good Karma Farms booth, one of the first places I saw on Saturday. When I came back on Sunday to make a purchase, this guy was already sold.
Llama llama llama
Inside one of the vendor buildings. SO many people!
Sheep dog demonstrations! That'll do, pig.
On Saturday night after we got back to the hotel, we held a show and tell in the hallway. Everyone unfolded their ironing board in the hallway and set up a display table. This is our haul from day one. Catherine's stuff is on the left, and my two humble packages are on the right.
Future sweater yarn.
Just because I like it sock yarn.
Other knitters with their treasures.
Day two was a lot more buying from me - we made a run-around plan based on all the things we saw on Saturday, so I knew exactly which shops to go back to. We were only at the fair on Sunday for 2 hours, and I spent most of my money in less than an hour.
We didn't see this sign until we were on the bus leaving on Sunday, but this is where we were!
And now, the official stash additions that I brought home from my adventures at Rhinebeck 2012:
The Periwinkle Sheep, Oh so fine! sock yarn in "Memories of Summer"
BitsyKnits Sock82Me in "Fawn"
BitsyKnits Sock82Me in "Bronze"
Good Karma Farm 60/40 Wool/Alpaca in "Chicken Beak"
Sliver Moon Farm bulky wool in "Fern"
Cephalopod Yarns, Skinny Bugga in "Green Darner Dragonfly"
Blue Moon Fiber Arts, BFL Sport in "Manly yes, but I like it too!"
Blue Moon Fiber Arts, BFL Sport in "Tumbleweed"
My Cephalopod sock yarn next to the pretty bag it came in
My new project bag from go Monkey Design.
I've already updated my Ravelry queue with a few must-start projects since I've got knitting on the brain now and I've got that itch to start something new. First up will be the baby bunting bag with the Sliver Moon bulky green yarn, and I chose a different pattern from the one I originally posted about. I was looking at the specs for that one and realized the pattern called for more fingering weight yarn than it would take to make a sweater for an adult. Yeah, no. New pattern is a simple baby sack with some ribbing at the top. Looks simple and cute, and it will be a fast project (instant gratification!). My new sweater will likely be a project for after Christmas - let the swatching begin!
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